Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Semester One is OVER!!!

So, I haven't posted in a while... but now that semester one is over with nursing school... WAHOO!!! Such a relief!! I wish I could take a picture of the grin on my face because it is enormous :) I passed all of my classes, my finals, my head to toe assessment for health assessment, my clinicals, fundamentals of nursing, and the health assessment class. I know that's a long list but I am so proud of myself I just had to write it all out. This semester has been rough but I am so ready now for the next four. Life has been really good with being blessed with a new job, doing well in school, and wonderful friends to support me. Thanks to everyone for all of their well wishes, I felt each and every one of them. On to semester two!!!!


LeeAnn said...

I'm so proud! You need to go and celebrate!!! Enjoy your Christmas break.

Yeah, definitely take Sam to Bass to see santa. They give you a free picture:)

Paul, Tara, and Riley Anne said...

Way to go!!!