Sunday, December 14, 2008

Daddy Gus

This is Daddy Gus. He is Sam's biological father. I think it sounds so funny to say that, but Sam responds to Kenneth as "Daddy". All you have to do is say "Where's Daddy Sam?" and he goes nuts trying to find him in the house. Same for me though, I'm Mama. That was one of Sam's first tricks. He would bark when Kenneth would ask "Who's there", like when there was a knock on the door. Now it's "Where's Mama? Is Mama home?" and he goes nuts to greet me at the door.
For those of you who have met Gus, you know he is the most gentle, obedient dog ever. I think he is one of the most well mannered dogs I've ever met. Add that with Sophie's temperament, Sam's dog mama, and you can see how he turned out so great.
I'm not abnormally cruel, but when Sam is at Sophie's and Gus is there it gets a little crazy. Sam and Gus are both "intact" and Gus doesn't always remember that Sam is his son. He thinks Sam is there to mate with Sophie and madness ensues!! Therefore, we kept him outside for our short visit and clipping nails. Couldn't resist posting his photos!!!

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