Thursday, October 23, 2008

Abby-Dabby and Sambo

Last night Abby came for a short visit. I had forgotten what a cuddle bug she is!! Every time I tried to take a picture of Sam and her "spooning" she would jump up and start wagging her tail like it was play time. For those of you who don't know these two, they have several names each! I was playing around with Abby and "Abby-Dabby" just came out. Well, you would have thought that I was wrapped in rawhide the way she jumped on me!! Now everytime she hears it she goes crazy so I think that might be my new nickname for her. Sam has been Sambo for a while ... as well as Sambolicious, Bubba, Big Baby, and my all time favorite Bubby!!
This morning I was laying on the couch studying for my Health Assessment test and Abby jumped up and could not get close enough! Literally, paws on my chest and nose in my face giving me kisses.
A few minutes of cuddling and Sam was done. He decided that the corner chair that rarely gets used should be his new nap place. Like a trooper Abby followed... though there wasn't enough room for two!
I got up at some point to get another cup of coffee and low and behold Abbey just had to rejoin me on the sofa. Sam was right behind. I swear those two are still attached in the womb!
I thought I would toss in this photo of Abby on one of the couch pillows. She and Sam are identical in their love of pillows. They both lay on them with their heads elevated... I think they've been watching humans too long!
Speaking of human like, I have been trying for months to get a photo of Sam doing this!!! I can't believe I actually got it this time. He has a habit when waiting at the front door of "sitting" on the steps like you or I would sit. How crazy is that?? Front paws on the ground and tush on the steps. I laugh like a loon every time he does it. Just wish I could have caught him smiling as he so often does!!


Paul, Tara, and Riley Anne said...

He looks comfy (and silly)!

LeeAnn said...

Those dogs are too silly!

LeeAnn said...

Those dogs are too silly!