Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Howl-O-Ween!!!

Tonight we went to the Katy Dog Park for their "Howl-O-Ween" party. It was crazy!! Sam hated being on the leash in a place where he can normally run and play. He did not understand the concept of sit, lay down, and no while we were there. Of course, the moment we went back to the truck he magically turned back into the Sam I know and love. I think somewhere in the world the clock struck twelve and he turned back into my little pumpkin!! There were booths where you could do a trick for a treat, orange painted paw prints to take home, a bone yard, bob for a ball, and costume contests.
Sam went as a ghost this year. Kristyne and I had gone up to walmart and found the cutest kids t-shirts to put on the dogs. Sam's had a big light up ghost on the back (it lit up when he moved). Of course he had to wear the jester collar that Aunt Cheryl got him last year for Halloween!! He loves the jingle bells and the ghosts on it glow in the dark... not that he holds still long enough for you to be able to see them!
Sam and his friend Maddox who went as a cowboy. He was adorable!!! He kept rolling around trying to figure out what was on his back... Low and behold it was his hat! I think this was the one time that they actually held still for a photo.
You can kind of see the back of Sam's t-shirt with the ghost that lites up. It was too cute!! The "bone yard" was one of the booths that was set up for the dogs to play in. It consisted of several bales of hay in which rawhide bones were buried. It was crazy because the dogs almost became desensitized to it and started marking their spots instead!
This is the best picture I could find of Brody, Sean and Kristyne's lab. I love how it says "My Mummy loves me"!! Kenneth would never have let me put that on Sam!! Sean was a good sport about it. I couldn't get Coco to hold still long enough to take a picture of her but she was adorable too. Tomorrow night it's on to passing out candy, wish me luck!!

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