Monday, September 1, 2008

Labor Day Weekend

This weekend Kenneth and I kept Sophie and Abby for Lori. We were on our way to the dog park and I couldn't resist taking these photos. Enjoy!!

Abby and Sophie... so pretty!! They did so well at our house, it is really a pleasure to dog sit them.
When you see them all together you can tell they are family. I think the rainbow of their coat colors are amazing. We played a game of look right... they all turned their heads right. Look left... they all turned their heads left. I know, it was silly of me but it was so much fun!
They could not wait to get to the park. It seemed like it took Kenneth forever to come back with breakfast when in fact it only took a few minutes.
Oh look! Daddy's back! Time to go have fun at the park! We wore them out with all of the swimming, chasing, and tackling. Abby has to go make friends with every dog at the park. Sam has to mark every tree like it's his own backyard. Sophie just wanders along enjoying the outdoors and being playful. We had a blast!

1 comment:

LeeAnn said...

Those are AWESOME pictures! I love 'em!