Saturday, September 13, 2008

Hurrican Ike in Katy

Hurricane Ike, what can I say?? I don't know exactly what I expected, but what we got was pretty close. The power went in and out for most of the evening, finally going out at around three am. The winds blew from the north to the south here in Katy, the damage occurred mainly to trees and fences that ran perpendicular to it's path.
After the storm passed and the rain stopped I drove out to take pictures of the damage around town. This tree barely missed the car in the driveway!
I got such a laugh out of this spray painting on the plywood of this house. I can only imagine the owner inside with a shotgun!
This is the wooded lot next to our neighborhood. If you look closely you can see the mess Ike left behind.
Our house, clean as a whistle!! No branches or limbs in the front or back yard. I mowed yesterday before the storm so that I wouldn't have to worry about it with everything else the storm could have brought us.
My two penny hospital patients!! The only things in our yard to have any mishap happen to them. I had re-staked them a few days ago, apparently the storm just blew them sideways and with the wet soil they stayed that way. I re-staked them again and made sure they were stable. All better!!
This is Buffalo Bayou, you go over it on your way to our house. We have seen it much fuller even during normal rain storms. All in all we are fine, thanks for everyone's well wishes and prayers. Sam did not need to be medicated but I was fully prepared just in case!! He spent the evening on the couch with me keeping a careful eye to make sure that "mama" was ok. Once the power was back on we both crashed and slept until almost noon. I hope everyone else is ok and that the damage they may have is minimal.


Maggie said...


Thanks for posting the information and also for checking on the house.


LeeAnn said...

Glad everything is ok at your house! Just a little damage here, but nothing that can't be fixed:)