Friday, January 9, 2009

4 Month Checkup

Good news! Dylan had his four month checkup today and he weighed in at 15.5 pounds, 25 inches, and got all of his shots. The great news ... he has been approved to start eating soft foods! Jessica and I are sooo excited to start feeding this little monster. I think the plan is to start with some rice cereal in a few days and then move onto carrots and sweet potatoes. Fun!! He already likes the taste of banana on his tongue so we'll have to see if that becomes a favorite. Dylan loves his fingers! He is spitting up less, there was noticeably less spit up and more drool today. Yeah!!!
He is getting really comfy on his tummy. He is there for almost 25 minutes now before he loses patience and wants to do something else.

Dylan also loves the toys that make noise. These fun ones attach to his play gym, rattle, and retract when you pull them down. This one is a lion. Roar!!!

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