Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sophie had puppies!!!!

I am sooooo excited that Sam's dog mama, Sophie, had puppies! They were born around 1am this morning. She had six pups: two black females, 2 light yellow males, 1 male honey color, and 1 female honey color. I didn't hear my cell phone ring or I would have been able to be there when they made their appearance. Needless to say I hurried over as soon as I found out!
Are they not the cutest things you've ever seen?!? It is so hard for me to believe that just under two years ago Sam was that tiny :)
Sophie and babies are all doing well. Daddy Gus was standing by for the birth but was SOOO not interested in what was going on. I was told that at one point he started playing with a squeaky toy while Sophie was still in labor!!
I think it's neat that you can tell by her paw size how tiny the pups are.
Sophie kept bathing the pups, just flipping them over and licking them half to death!
I like this picture since you can tell the color difference in the honey color versus the light yellow. I think that the honey color is so pretty. Too bad Kenneth says we can't have another dog right now :(
Bath time for baby!
Casey was cuddling a tiny pup in her lap and it fell asleep making the sweetest cries and grunts :) Awwww!!!!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Cereal with a Spoon!!!

How cute is this??? I love baby faces covered in baby food!!! I decided, after talking with a good friend, that I would try spoon feeding the rice cereal to Dylan.
Step 1. Warm up 6 oz bottle
Step 2. 2 tablespoons rice cereal in small dish
Step 3. Add bit of BM to cereal
Step 4. Feed to Dylan!!!
She told me to feed the cereal prior to the bottle so that he is not too full to eat it. Oh, and to insert the spoon up towards his upper palate so he almost sucks it off the spoon. Miracles happen, cause he ate it!!! It was really neat to see him push it around in his mouth with his tongue and then to hear him swallow it. At one point I had to stop to get a baby wipe for his mouth. I came back and he had licked all of the cereal from around his lips :)

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Probably the best baby...

In the universe! I just had to add this last one. Sorry if it's Dylan overload but I thought it was so stinking cute it had to be posted :) I just put him down, hopefully he will sleep for a bit.

Jump & Go

Dylan is finally big enough to enjoy his Jump & Go!!! It has a toy in it's tray that lights up and plays music which, to him, is the best thing since sliced bread.
It's neat for me to watch him in it, since he now pushes his feet against the ground and uses them to turn himself.
And, as always he loves his fingers!! The rice cereal feeding is going ok. Some people say not to put it in a bottle, but the pediatrician thinks it's ok as long as it is thinned out. We do 1 tablespoon with 6 oz breast milk, any other ideas or suggestion out there???

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Oink Oink Oink

Cody's pig, K.C., is humongous!!! I can still remember when she was only 40 pounds. She now weighs in at just over 200 pounds. She is sweet to people but a little territorial around the other pigs. All of the AG animals were moved to the show barn in order to prep them for the practice show that will take place today.
Isn't it funny how she sits? I think she looks like a dog when she sits but you can tell by her attitude that she is a pig :)
What a pretty pig! I can't wait to see how much she brings at auction.

Kenneth helped build this water feeder for her so that she could be hydrated in the barn. They just had pens set up but there is no hydration system to them like there is at the AG barn. Hope all goes well today:)

Friday, January 9, 2009

4 Month Checkup

Good news! Dylan had his four month checkup today and he weighed in at 15.5 pounds, 25 inches, and got all of his shots. The great news ... he has been approved to start eating soft foods! Jessica and I are sooo excited to start feeding this little monster. I think the plan is to start with some rice cereal in a few days and then move onto carrots and sweet potatoes. Fun!! He already likes the taste of banana on his tongue so we'll have to see if that becomes a favorite. Dylan loves his fingers! He is spitting up less, there was noticeably less spit up and more drool today. Yeah!!!
He is getting really comfy on his tummy. He is there for almost 25 minutes now before he loses patience and wants to do something else.

Dylan also loves the toys that make noise. These fun ones attach to his play gym, rattle, and retract when you pull them down. This one is a lion. Roar!!!