Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving in Conroe

Happy Thanksgiving!! Kenneth, Sam, and I packed up for Conroe early Thursday morning. The turkey and trimmings were wonderful thanks to the culinary skills of Linda Sue.
Sam had a blast with toys that belong to his cousins. I think he likes taking them away, what do you think?
Family photo! Grandma Linda, Gretchen, Fritz, Sam, and Grandpa Robert. Love it!
Sam and Grandpa Robert feeding the fish Friday morning. Sam couldn't figure out why there were no ducks coming to eat the food Grandpa Robert threw out.
Sam and Fritz playing tug-o-war. A neat photo considering that Fritz allows himself to be pulled about three feet before he lets go!
Finally, the fire pit in action. It's great at drafting a fire. We barely lit the branches on fire and the whole pit went up in flames :)

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