Sunday, November 30, 2008

Happy Birthday Tyler!!

Happy Birthday Tyler!! He chose to go to an Aero's game for his birthday so we packed up to tag along. It was great! There were three fights in the first period alone... crazy!! The Aero's played the Milwaukee Admirals and won 4-2.
Tyler, Kenneth, Sean, Jack, and Kristyne getting settled to watch the game.
Tyler liking his Old Navy Sweatshirt :) Hope it keeps you warm Ty!
Kristyne and I getting cozy right before the game started. It was a lot of fun to get out on the town and see a great game.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving in Conroe

Happy Thanksgiving!! Kenneth, Sam, and I packed up for Conroe early Thursday morning. The turkey and trimmings were wonderful thanks to the culinary skills of Linda Sue.
Sam had a blast with toys that belong to his cousins. I think he likes taking them away, what do you think?
Family photo! Grandma Linda, Gretchen, Fritz, Sam, and Grandpa Robert. Love it!
Sam and Grandpa Robert feeding the fish Friday morning. Sam couldn't figure out why there were no ducks coming to eat the food Grandpa Robert threw out.
Sam and Fritz playing tug-o-war. A neat photo considering that Fritz allows himself to be pulled about three feet before he lets go!
Finally, the fire pit in action. It's great at drafting a fire. We barely lit the branches on fire and the whole pit went up in flames :)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Some of My Favorite Pictures

I just got my laptop back and was sorting through my photos and came across these pictures. I just had to post my favorites to share! This is Kenneth's best friend Tom with Kenneth and Baby Zachary last August at their friend Margie's wedding in San Diego. I can't get over two good looking men with a baby. Adorable!! Tom and Kenneth were in the Navy together. Tom is still serving in Norfolk, Virginia.
This is Kenneth and I on the beach in San Diego that same trip. He took me to the base where he was stationed and I got to put my feet in the water. It was really neat to put a place with all of the stories I've heard.

Ok, I wish this one was bigger. It is my favorite picture of my sister and I. It was taken at her wedding in March of 2007. I was so happy to see her so happy... redundant I know but so true!
Ok, one of my many favorite pictures of Sam. This one was him at Lori's house when he was still a baby before we were able to keep him for good. She was so sweet to put together a disk of his baby pictures and this was one of them. I still remember when he was this small!

Friday, November 14, 2008

My Sister and I

Ok, I just had to share two more photos of my sister and I. I miss her so much!! She is getting over a cold right now, wish I was there to make her chicken soup.
I think I like this picture better than the other one of us in front of the cactus. Our smiles are better!
Say cheese!! I couldn't believe how good it felt to hug her :)

Antique Chair Start to Finish

Monday, November 10, 2008

Arizona Trip

Friday afternoon I flew out to Phoenix Arizona to see my sister Melissa and her husband Jon. I had the best time!! It was a mix of a birthday present for my sister and a task for me. She had pulled apart and refinished a chair that Jon's Grandmother gave them and I had the chore of putting it back together! I say chore, but it was such a blessing to be able to see family and catch up in person.
Saturday afternoon Jon smoked a turkey so that we could have a mini Thanksgiving. His parents, Deb and Bob, came for dinner and we had a wonderful time. The turkey came out so juicy!! Most of the trimmings were present, but the best part was the wonderful company.
I took the liberty of relaxing in the chair that I finished Sunday morning. It was so comfy when it was done!! Jon kept saying "are you sure you have enough time to do it??" I think by the time I left he was aptly impressed!!
We sweet talked Jon into taking our picture in their backyard. Melissa kept saying "come on, we'll sit on the couch and take it". I wanted one with the cactus in the background!! We went shopping shortly after this and got asked something that we haven't in years... "Are you two twins??" Too funny! Nope, just sixteen months apart.
This is Bear, named after the bear stock market in '99. It only makes sense if you know that her husband is a financial advisor! He is a greyhound lab mix but very sweet.
I had to include this picture, aren't his ears funny?? I love how he sits!!