Friday, October 31, 2008

Trick or Treat

Well, the treats were on us tonight!! I think we had a record low of trick-or-treaters. The doorbell rang maybe a total of 15 times. What happened?? We ended up letting the kids take handfuls of candy cause goodness knows we don't need to eat it! Oh well... Sam loved it though! Every time the doorbell rang he went nuts and then wanted to kiss all of the kids. Too funny!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Happy Howl-O-Ween!!!

Tonight we went to the Katy Dog Park for their "Howl-O-Ween" party. It was crazy!! Sam hated being on the leash in a place where he can normally run and play. He did not understand the concept of sit, lay down, and no while we were there. Of course, the moment we went back to the truck he magically turned back into the Sam I know and love. I think somewhere in the world the clock struck twelve and he turned back into my little pumpkin!! There were booths where you could do a trick for a treat, orange painted paw prints to take home, a bone yard, bob for a ball, and costume contests.
Sam went as a ghost this year. Kristyne and I had gone up to walmart and found the cutest kids t-shirts to put on the dogs. Sam's had a big light up ghost on the back (it lit up when he moved). Of course he had to wear the jester collar that Aunt Cheryl got him last year for Halloween!! He loves the jingle bells and the ghosts on it glow in the dark... not that he holds still long enough for you to be able to see them!
Sam and his friend Maddox who went as a cowboy. He was adorable!!! He kept rolling around trying to figure out what was on his back... Low and behold it was his hat! I think this was the one time that they actually held still for a photo.
You can kind of see the back of Sam's t-shirt with the ghost that lites up. It was too cute!! The "bone yard" was one of the booths that was set up for the dogs to play in. It consisted of several bales of hay in which rawhide bones were buried. It was crazy because the dogs almost became desensitized to it and started marking their spots instead!
This is the best picture I could find of Brody, Sean and Kristyne's lab. I love how it says "My Mummy loves me"!! Kenneth would never have let me put that on Sam!! Sean was a good sport about it. I couldn't get Coco to hold still long enough to take a picture of her but she was adorable too. Tomorrow night it's on to passing out candy, wish me luck!!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

K.C. and Cody

Meet K.C. the pig, not to be confused with Casey (Cody's sister)!! I think this is one of the cutest pigs I have ever seen. I love how she looks like an oreo cookie! Apparently there were so many kids in Cody's AGG class that chose pigs that they have to share pens. I think it works out pretty well, half the shavings and care!
I am really proud of Cody! He goes every morning and afternoon to clean up and feed his pig. The other pig is Skittles and is being taken care of by another young guy. Skittles is a little bit bigger and has "louder" markings than K.C. I had to ask the AGG teacher what that meant! He told met that it just meant that the coloring was bolder.
A rare moment when both pigs were eating out of their own feed buckets. I was told that this never happens! You can tell the size difference in the pigs. The AGG teacher said that size was not the most important when it came down to being a "good" pig. It is all about the back being arched, the muscle tone, and overall appearance of the pig.
K.C. likes to have water squirted in her mouth! She was oinking and making a stink when Cody stopped. This was discovered by accident, he had gone to clean her one day when she turned her head and loved the water bottle being squirted in her mouth.
I had to add in this picture of a lamb. I thought it was too cute how they had made clothes for it to keep it warm and clean!! It looked really well taken care of.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Melissa!!!

I wanted to send a warm shout out and a huge hug to my big sister on her birthday!! I can't wait to see her in November ... for a three day weekend we are going to be really busy! As soon as I get my laptop I'll post my favorite picture of us. Till then... Happy Bithday Melissa!!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Abby-Dabby and Sambo

Last night Abby came for a short visit. I had forgotten what a cuddle bug she is!! Every time I tried to take a picture of Sam and her "spooning" she would jump up and start wagging her tail like it was play time. For those of you who don't know these two, they have several names each! I was playing around with Abby and "Abby-Dabby" just came out. Well, you would have thought that I was wrapped in rawhide the way she jumped on me!! Now everytime she hears it she goes crazy so I think that might be my new nickname for her. Sam has been Sambo for a while ... as well as Sambolicious, Bubba, Big Baby, and my all time favorite Bubby!!
This morning I was laying on the couch studying for my Health Assessment test and Abby jumped up and could not get close enough! Literally, paws on my chest and nose in my face giving me kisses.
A few minutes of cuddling and Sam was done. He decided that the corner chair that rarely gets used should be his new nap place. Like a trooper Abby followed... though there wasn't enough room for two!
I got up at some point to get another cup of coffee and low and behold Abbey just had to rejoin me on the sofa. Sam was right behind. I swear those two are still attached in the womb!
I thought I would toss in this photo of Abby on one of the couch pillows. She and Sam are identical in their love of pillows. They both lay on them with their heads elevated... I think they've been watching humans too long!
Speaking of human like, I have been trying for months to get a photo of Sam doing this!!! I can't believe I actually got it this time. He has a habit when waiting at the front door of "sitting" on the steps like you or I would sit. How crazy is that?? Front paws on the ground and tush on the steps. I laugh like a loon every time he does it. Just wish I could have caught him smiling as he so often does!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Fishing in Port Lavaca

Saturday Kenneth and I took friends out on the boat to fish in Port Lavaca. It was a great time! Several fish were caught, sadly none long enough to keep. The Game Warden is pretty strict with fines if they find fish that are not the right length in your cooler or on the stringer.
That evening we drove down to Corpus to spend the evening with Cheryl and Chuck at a banquet dinner celebrating "Four from '54". It was a neat to meet the influential people that Corpus Christi has to offer.
The next morning we took the boat out again with a family friend, Leo. He told us that since Hurricane Ike the fishing waters haven't been the same. It was so nice to drift and fish with a cool breeze and warm sunshine. Sadly we had to drive back Sunday afternoon to be back for school and work on Monday.

Here Fishy Fishy Fishy...