Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sam and Abby's sleepover :)

This weekend Lori went out of town and took Sophie with her ... so Abby slept over!! She and Sam had a blast playing together. I am always on the hunt to take good photos of them. Which is difficult becuase they play so hard together! Abby and Sam are so much alike. They both love to give kisses, snore when they sleep, and to be as close to another being as possible. Sam and Abby resting during one of our walks. Abby does really well off the leash!
See how much they look alike? Their profiles are so similar, yet when you see them straight on you can tell that Sam has a masculine "block head" and that Abby has a narrower face.
They look so ferocious when they play!! They are always growling and showing their teeth as they attack each other.
And Sam goes down!! Abby loves to chew ankles, I think it's Sam's weakness :)
What a pretty puppy!! Abby was really peaceful when she got sleepy. I could finally get her to sit pretty for me.
See the eyes closing? They were so tired but yet didn't want to lay down all the way. How sweet!! Two puppy paws...

The first night I took Abby to the back yard to do her business. She couldn't focus since Sam was kept inside. So I let him out to see if I could make any progress. Big mistake!!! Not three minutes later both dogs were in the lake. Did I mention that it was 10PM? Mrs. Stone next door thought it was hilarious so she let her two australian shepherds out to join in the fun. Before we knew it we had four swimmers. When they were finally tuckered out I took them back inside and gave them both a bath. Sam is a trooper getting in and out of the tub but Abby was a little hesitant. Boy did she love being scrubbed though! I could hardly rinse her off she was wagging so hard. I know Sam will miss her when we take her home tonight. Enjoy the pics!

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