Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sitting Ducks....

It turns out that we have two ducks that have made nests in our flower beds.... One destroyed my daylily that I was sooo proud of. I hope the eggs hatch so that it's worth it!!
Peak behind the plant and you will see the duck... I think it's a female mallard duck.
This black and white duck is the one who has been laying eggs in our beds for a while.... She is now sitting around the clock. Check back and see when we have chicks!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Cutie Pie

Have I mentioned lately that I love my job?!?!?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Hoppy Easter!!!

A few days ago we got an early Easter present.... A duck made a nest behind the iris in our flower bed!!! There started off being just one egg, then came two more, and today there was a fourth! I asked Kenneth where he thought they were coming from.... I shouldn't have!!!! He told me "A ducks butt". I asked him where he thought the next two eggs came from... he said "the same ducks butt". Keep in mind we have never seen a duck sitting on these eggs!!!

Like our own little Easter basket :)
Some of the other eggs in the neighborhood hatched in the past two days.... the babies are already out swimming!

What do you do if.....

The grass is greener on your side of the street???

Friday, April 10, 2009

Thought provoking....

"You cannot legislate the poor into freedom by legislating the wealthy out of freedom. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is about the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it."~~~~ Dr. Adrian Rogers, 1931

Friday, March 27, 2009

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Port O'Connor

This past Sunday we went fishing in Port O'Connor and had the best time. It was the perfect ending to spring break
I loved watching the pelicans glide over the water and catch the bait fish. They are so graceful!
Kenneth caught the first redfish, isn't it a beauty?!? 38 inches long and 39 pounds... crazy big!
These fish were massive... I have never seen a fish caught that large in my life!
Second catch, he is a really good fisherman!!! I guess since he caught me and all .....
Our friend Randy took a turn and brought this big fellow in.
My turn!!! You could hear the drumming inside the fish when you held it, it was amazing!
Now I can really say I caught a fish "this big"!
Kenneth doing fish CPR.
Robert bending a line.
He finally caught one right as we were about to come in off the water. It was a long drive down, three hours, but so worth it when we started catching!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

New business

Quite by accident I think I have started a new business... card making!!! It seems that there is a little demand for my projects as I have now done them two years in a row for a friend. I have a blast doing them, have a therapeutic outlet for my creativity, and make a bit of money on the side. Well, enough to cover the costs of supplies anyways! I think it may be the solution to my nursing school stress... So please, if you know anyone who is in need of birthday invitations, note cards to send, Christmas cards, or anything along the same lines let me know and I would be happy to put them together :)
I've even started to put together a binder of my work so that people can look them over and get an idea of what they would like made. These are the invitations that I recently made for my friend's daughters birthday party.... aren't they cute????

Monday, March 9, 2009

Dylan and Pups

How stinkin cute is this??? I took Dylan for his last "field trip" to see the puppies before they go to their new homes this weekend. I think he likes the soft fur as much as I do!

This little black girl gave his kisses after he spit up some of his sweet potato lunch... sounds yucky I know but it was adorable!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Employee Banquet 2009

Thursday evening was the annual City of Katy Employee Banquet hosted by the Mayor Don Elder. This years theme was "Mardi Gras" and it was a blast! For the first time it was held at Agave Road, a new event hall in Katy off of 1463. It was gorgeous inside! Catering was by Los Cucos and they accidentally served us real margaritas!!! (The city had ordered them virgin)
Me and my girlfriends who work for the City of Katy, Maria Galvez and Kelli Chapman. They are sweethearts!
Kelli was sweet enough to take this picture of Kenneth and I. We had a great time! Dessert was humongous slices of cheesecake with drizzled strawberry sauce. Yum! They took formal photos of us outside so I'll scan that one in once I get it :)

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Puppies 5 Weeks

Houston Rodeo!

Last Tuesday a big group of us went to go see Rascal Flatts open the Houston Rodeo for this season. It was a blast!!! Forgive me if I look a little rough, but I had just finished a twelve hour clinical at MD Anderson. All my other clinical buddies headed home for some sleep but I couldn't stop thinking about the Rodeo! It was wonderful to see them again, we had the opportunity to see them last year at the rodeo as well. I couldn't believe all of the fireworks that were set off inside the stadium... Who would have thought???

Rascal Flatts

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day

Our friend Sean works evenings as a police officer in Rosenburg, so as a treat we drove out to surprise him with dinner for Valentines day. Since we didn't have time to wait for a table we ended up at 5 Guys Burgers and they were SOOOOO good. However, you can tell by the following pictures that these two guys were seperated at birth. Sometimes they are good sports about a camera and others..... well not so much!!!

Anyhow, it was a good excuse to get out of the house and not have to wait in a horribly long line for a fun dinner. Just remember to say cheese!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Happy Birthday Kenneth!!!

Kenneth turned 34 on Monday February 2nd... and boy did we celebrate!!! Sean, Kristyne, Kenneth, and I went down to one of our favorite resteraunt's, the Cheesecake Factory! It is always a treat because at the end is a huge delicious piece of cheesecake :)
We are very blessed to have such good friends that are always up for a good time.
Sean & Kristyne

Kenneth & Me

We all have incredibly huge sweet tooth's. Not only did we share a piece of chocolate tuxedo cheesecake, but we stopped by Ritter's for some frozen custard on the drive home. We had been waiting for two months for them to open back up and as luck would have it they reopened on Kenneth's birthday :)

Happy Birthday Honey!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Dylan and Sam

I took Dylan on a field trip today. Off all things, he got to meet Sam :) He met a few other puppies too but I don't have those pictures yet. Rest assured I will post them when I do!
His face when from shock to complete fascination! Neither one of them really understood what was going on. Dylan was so happy, he didn't stop giggling and cooing at Sam. Sam on the other hand sniffed him and then looked at me as if to say "he's not big enough to play with!!!"
Sam gave him a few kisses. This was the best one I caught with my camera. Dylan slid down Sam since he can't quite sit up on his own yet. It was fun for me to be able to see them interact. Next time... the dog park!!!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Two Peas in a Pod

Kenneth and I watched Abby for the past four days so that she wouldn't be underfoot at home. It was so nice to have her!! Everytime we have an extra lab in the house I am reassured that we could easily have a second one.
This was in the back of the truck coming home from Conroe last night. They were exhausted!!! Abby is such a lovebug, we cuddled in bed both Saturday and Sunday morning. I love puppy breath!!!
Ok random pic I just had to post! We were driving to the feed store yesterday morning when this is what we saw. Yes, that is a pig in a u-haul trailer being pulled by some kids towards Brookshire. I live in the sticks!!!!!

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Sophie had puppies!!!!

I am sooooo excited that Sam's dog mama, Sophie, had puppies! They were born around 1am this morning. She had six pups: two black females, 2 light yellow males, 1 male honey color, and 1 female honey color. I didn't hear my cell phone ring or I would have been able to be there when they made their appearance. Needless to say I hurried over as soon as I found out!
Are they not the cutest things you've ever seen?!? It is so hard for me to believe that just under two years ago Sam was that tiny :)
Sophie and babies are all doing well. Daddy Gus was standing by for the birth but was SOOO not interested in what was going on. I was told that at one point he started playing with a squeaky toy while Sophie was still in labor!!
I think it's neat that you can tell by her paw size how tiny the pups are.
Sophie kept bathing the pups, just flipping them over and licking them half to death!
I like this picture since you can tell the color difference in the honey color versus the light yellow. I think that the honey color is so pretty. Too bad Kenneth says we can't have another dog right now :(
Bath time for baby!
Casey was cuddling a tiny pup in her lap and it fell asleep making the sweetest cries and grunts :) Awwww!!!!